Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mother Nature

Before Socrates, Greek philosophers had coined the term nature when they put the all the phenomenons of the world into a single name, and spoke of it have as a single thing: nature. Mother Nature, formerly known as Mother Earth and Gaea, was one of the earliest Greek Godesses born from Chaos, the void in the universe. Mother Earth was the first element in Greek Mythology, meaning that all the other Gods origionated from her and worshipped her. This inate worship was late replaced by other Gods. In Roman mythology she was known as December, the goddess of harvest (the name origionally meant Earth Mother).

It was in the Middle Ages when Mother Earth became Mother Nature, this name was wildly popular throughout Europe, though it has been found that the name traces back to Greek times.

Sometimes, she is described as having very long black or brown hair that covers her face, she floats/flies as her feet never touch the ground- she rides along the wind. Some theories say that her face was ugly, that is why her hair covered it. Other times, she is described as being a young, beautiful girl with snow white skin, flowing hair and bark brown eyes.

She is the maker of forests and seasons, she controls eveything. It has been said that she kills those who cut down her forests.

The idea of Mother Nature can be seen in many Shakespear plays, including Macbeth. The Wiccan religion looks to Mother Earth as their role model.

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